What You Might Find Here

I've always thought of myself as a writer. Mostly because I get such satisfaction from it, and because that is the medium through which my thoughts seem to make the most sense. I don't always make sense when I'm just talking. But writing; I feel at home when I'm writing. Here I'll share thoughts, opinions, poems, short stories, and random sketches of "The Wanderers". "The Wanderers" is an ongoing story that I have no intention of finishing, but dearly love adding to. I haven't started this blog, because I think my life is especially fabulous. I'm a stay at home mom, occasionally a college student, a homeschooler and a terrible speller. I love my kids, Jesus, coffee, my husband and ice cream (not in that order). I hate animals, materialism, insincerity, and all things "trendy" (if it's popular I probably won't like it. The exception to this would be all things "Twilight". Twilight IS popular and I DO like it). So that's me, the standard edition, no frills attached.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Tip Toe

There are no gaps in this
No great chasm to pull yourself across
Stretching thin to make connections

What great leaps of faith you take
To bring it all together
Straining on this cliff face
Measuring your next attempt

There are no holes here
No great open spaces
Ready to oblige you your defeat

I watch you carefully covering each
With your gossamer good intentions
Your handy man skill
How long will it hold out?

How tiring it must all be?
Superman with a little broom
Carefully sweeping egg shells
Under the rug

If nothing else, you can rest here
For a while
Here where things are whole
Complete in its own strange way

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