What You Might Find Here

I've always thought of myself as a writer. Mostly because I get such satisfaction from it, and because that is the medium through which my thoughts seem to make the most sense. I don't always make sense when I'm just talking. But writing; I feel at home when I'm writing. Here I'll share thoughts, opinions, poems, short stories, and random sketches of "The Wanderers". "The Wanderers" is an ongoing story that I have no intention of finishing, but dearly love adding to. I haven't started this blog, because I think my life is especially fabulous. I'm a stay at home mom, occasionally a college student, a homeschooler and a terrible speller. I love my kids, Jesus, coffee, my husband and ice cream (not in that order). I hate animals, materialism, insincerity, and all things "trendy" (if it's popular I probably won't like it. The exception to this would be all things "Twilight". Twilight IS popular and I DO like it). So that's me, the standard edition, no frills attached.

Monday, October 20, 2008

now with a revised ending

The psychology professor would call it "green"
Cool, calculating, analyzing every step
Every word spoken or written
Sure to bring things always just
To that line and never a moment farther
Knowing the words to leave unsaid
Just enough to leave one writhing and wondering
Exactly what is the case here?

Always the mystery
So much laid open and exposed
Infinitely more concealed deep
Among the other treasures
Somewhere beneath that rust

The same professor would call this "gold"
Open, warm, inviting you in
Loyally attached all through these years
Always wondering what is lacking
That never quite pushes it all the way

Where is the key to spring that lock?
Perhaps it was thrown out years ago
Among old reciepts and envelopes
And other scraps of of another life

Perhaps it was reserved for someone else
Truly special but far from gold

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