What You Might Find Here

I've always thought of myself as a writer. Mostly because I get such satisfaction from it, and because that is the medium through which my thoughts seem to make the most sense. I don't always make sense when I'm just talking. But writing; I feel at home when I'm writing. Here I'll share thoughts, opinions, poems, short stories, and random sketches of "The Wanderers". "The Wanderers" is an ongoing story that I have no intention of finishing, but dearly love adding to. I haven't started this blog, because I think my life is especially fabulous. I'm a stay at home mom, occasionally a college student, a homeschooler and a terrible speller. I love my kids, Jesus, coffee, my husband and ice cream (not in that order). I hate animals, materialism, insincerity, and all things "trendy" (if it's popular I probably won't like it. The exception to this would be all things "Twilight". Twilight IS popular and I DO like it). So that's me, the standard edition, no frills attached.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why I Love White

Writing is a secret vice, like self abuse. A person afflicted with poetic longings of one sort or another searches for a kind of intellectual and spiritual privacy- the aerial suspension of the lyrical spirit- he does not necessarily have to wrench himself away, physically from every body and everything in life (this I suspect often defeats him at his own game) but he does have to forswear certain easy rituals such as earning a living and running the world's errands.

E.B. White

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